Matondkar, who unsuccessfully contested the Lok Sabha elections from the Mumbai North constituency, wrote the letter to the party leadership criticising the conduct of Sandesh Kondvilkar and Bhushan Patil, close associates of Nirupam, a former Mumbai Congress president.”
Meanwhile, Deora, in a statement, said, “A party and it’s ideals are bigger than one individual.Nirupam had also criticised Deora’s suggestion to set up a panel comprising three senior Congress leaders to oversee the Mumbai unit till the Maharashtra Assembly polls, saying such a move would “ruin” the party further.The Assembly polls are due in September-October.In a related development, ZakirAhmed, Mumbai Congress vice-president, slammed Nirupam.In a statement, Ahmed said, “Nirupam is the most unpopular leader in the Mumbai Congress due to his loud mouth attitude.Matondkar also accused the duo of showing disrespect to North Mumbai district Congress president Ashok Sutrale. The Congress party has seen many upheavals and shall overcome this one too.
The letter is dated May 16, a week before the Lok Sabha election results were announced, and addressed to Milind Deora, Mumbai Regional Congress Committee (MRCC) chief who announced his resignation from the post Sunday.In the missive, she highlighted the failure of party leadership at local level on coordination, mobilising workers at grassroots, failure to provide proper resources to her by the two campaign coordinators. In this case, a ‘national’ level post is being sought.Mumbai: The infighting in the Mumbai Congress has taken a new turn with a letter of actress and party member Urmila Matondkar, making scathing comments against trusted aides of her senior colleague Sanjay Nirupam, surfacing Monday.In the letter, the 45-year-old Congress politician accused Kondvilkar of calling up her family members and asking them for money to fund her election campaign. Some unpleasant and unwarranted commentary from certain quarters should be ignored and not countered.
In Mumbai, the defeat margins of all candidates has reduced except Nirupam in Mumbai North West.Matondkar said despite the hurdles, she managed to run a decent campaign and added she had highlighted certain issues with an intention to bring positive change in the party.75l akh votes (in 2019).75 lakh and now Nirupam was defeated by 2.Matondkar said the joint poll rally addressed by senior Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge and NCP chief Sharad Pawar in suburban Borivali in April was organised in an “extremely shoddy” manner, bringing huge personal embarrassment for her.“It was addressed to him against party workers after election.“A resignation is linked to the sentiment of sacrifice.“The election results are a proof of this. Is this the way he is going to adopt to stabilise the party.“In 2014, the Congress defeat margin in Mumbai North West was 1.” On Sunday, Nirupam had said Deora, post his resignation as the Mumbai Congress president, was hankering for a national-level position in the party.
“Is this a resignation or a ladder to grow politically? The party should be cautious of such ‘hard working’ people,” Nirupam had said in a tweet in Hindi targeting Deora.She sought disciplinary action against Kondvilkar and Patil, and demanded changes at the organisational level to ensure better and brighter future for the party.Nirupam hit out at Deora after the letter became public.Deora, a former Union minister, had replaced Nirupam as the Mumbai Congress chief ahead of the Lok Sabha polls in April-May.”
Both Deora and Nirupam had unsuccessfully contested the Lok Sabha elections from South Mumbai and Mumbai North West, respectively, this SHJ-A Weft Feeder year.He tweeted, “young leader who desires to “stabilise” party at national level has released copies of complaint letter of an LS candidate to media houses to publish it.The actress-politician accused the duo of showing a “total lack of coordination, honesty and efficiency, ensuring a disastrous outcome”.Kondvilkar also asked Matondkar’s family members to speak to Congress treasurer Ahmed Patel for release of campaign funds, she claimed.
Meanwhile, Deora, in a statement, said, “A party and it’s ideals are bigger than one individual.Nirupam had also criticised Deora’s suggestion to set up a panel comprising three senior Congress leaders to oversee the Mumbai unit till the Maharashtra Assembly polls, saying such a move would “ruin” the party further.The Assembly polls are due in September-October.In a related development, ZakirAhmed, Mumbai Congress vice-president, slammed Nirupam.In a statement, Ahmed said, “Nirupam is the most unpopular leader in the Mumbai Congress due to his loud mouth attitude.Matondkar also accused the duo of showing disrespect to North Mumbai district Congress president Ashok Sutrale. The Congress party has seen many upheavals and shall overcome this one too.
The letter is dated May 16, a week before the Lok Sabha election results were announced, and addressed to Milind Deora, Mumbai Regional Congress Committee (MRCC) chief who announced his resignation from the post Sunday.In the missive, she highlighted the failure of party leadership at local level on coordination, mobilising workers at grassroots, failure to provide proper resources to her by the two campaign coordinators. In this case, a ‘national’ level post is being sought.Mumbai: The infighting in the Mumbai Congress has taken a new turn with a letter of actress and party member Urmila Matondkar, making scathing comments against trusted aides of her senior colleague Sanjay Nirupam, surfacing Monday.In the letter, the 45-year-old Congress politician accused Kondvilkar of calling up her family members and asking them for money to fund her election campaign. Some unpleasant and unwarranted commentary from certain quarters should be ignored and not countered.
In Mumbai, the defeat margins of all candidates has reduced except Nirupam in Mumbai North West.Matondkar said despite the hurdles, she managed to run a decent campaign and added she had highlighted certain issues with an intention to bring positive change in the party.75l akh votes (in 2019).75 lakh and now Nirupam was defeated by 2.Matondkar said the joint poll rally addressed by senior Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge and NCP chief Sharad Pawar in suburban Borivali in April was organised in an “extremely shoddy” manner, bringing huge personal embarrassment for her.“It was addressed to him against party workers after election.“A resignation is linked to the sentiment of sacrifice.“The election results are a proof of this. Is this the way he is going to adopt to stabilise the party.“In 2014, the Congress defeat margin in Mumbai North West was 1.” On Sunday, Nirupam had said Deora, post his resignation as the Mumbai Congress president, was hankering for a national-level position in the party.
“Is this a resignation or a ladder to grow politically? The party should be cautious of such ‘hard working’ people,” Nirupam had said in a tweet in Hindi targeting Deora.She sought disciplinary action against Kondvilkar and Patil, and demanded changes at the organisational level to ensure better and brighter future for the party.Nirupam hit out at Deora after the letter became public.Deora, a former Union minister, had replaced Nirupam as the Mumbai Congress chief ahead of the Lok Sabha polls in April-May.”
Both Deora and Nirupam had unsuccessfully contested the Lok Sabha elections from South Mumbai and Mumbai North West, respectively, this SHJ-A Weft Feeder year.He tweeted, “young leader who desires to “stabilise” party at national level has released copies of complaint letter of an LS candidate to media houses to publish it.The actress-politician accused the duo of showing a “total lack of coordination, honesty and efficiency, ensuring a disastrous outcome”.Kondvilkar also asked Matondkar’s family members to speak to Congress treasurer Ahmed Patel for release of campaign funds, she claimed.
Posté le 13/12/2021 à 07:10 par rapielooms
Catégorie weft accumulator
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Hazare reminded Modi of the need to implement Lokpal and Lokayukta properly. Manmohan Singh against whom I wrote, used to reply to my letters.
I am aware that several letters written by me to you have been dumped in the waste paper basket."When Narasimha Rao was the PM, he used to speak on phone sometimes."People trusted your words but even today no work gets done without paying money."Corruption rose during the Congress-led regime earlier. Inflation has also not come down,""Promise of bringing back black money has also not been kept.
Reminding Modi of the need to implement the Lokpal and Lokayukta properly and fulfill other key poll promises, Hazare said that China water jet loom several letters written by him earlier on these subjects to the Prime Minister had been ignored.Hazare also recalled that when he undertook the fast at Ramlila ground in Delhi it was not only the then Congress government but also BJP leaders Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley had given an assurance in Parliament that the anti-corruption legislation will be passed. This letter may also meet the same fate," Hazare said. Senior RSS leader Seshadri visited my village Ralegan Siddhi and wrote a book 'Karmayogi Ka Gaon," Hazare said giving vent to his anguish on he being ignored by Modi. Nobody could get work done in any office earlier without paying bribe. May be you have forgotten the things which you promised," Hazare said. When (Atal Bihari) Vajpayee came to Pune he used to enquire (about me). However, there should be reply to the letter by a social activist who has dedicated his life to the nation," Hazare said."I am writing again to remind you of these things."I don't expect a PM to respond to each and every letter written to him as it is not possible.
In his latest letter, Hazare said the Modi government should implement the Lokpal and Lokayukta laws properly to curb corruption and also take steps to ensure that farmers got remunerative prices for their produce. Mumbai: Social activist Anna Hazare dashed off another letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, reminding him of his unfulfilled poll promises and said there is "no visible difference" between his government and the previous Congress- led UPA regimeWishing Modi for the New Year, the 78-year-old anti-graft crusader in his three-page letter took a swipe at the prime minister, saying he may have forgotten the things which he promised during the 2014 Lok Sabha campaign like bringing back black money and building a corruption-free India. You don't speak of implementation of the Lokpal and Lokayukta laws passed for curbing corruption. The letter was released to the press today.
I am aware that several letters written by me to you have been dumped in the waste paper basket."When Narasimha Rao was the PM, he used to speak on phone sometimes."People trusted your words but even today no work gets done without paying money."Corruption rose during the Congress-led regime earlier. Inflation has also not come down,""Promise of bringing back black money has also not been kept.
Reminding Modi of the need to implement the Lokpal and Lokayukta properly and fulfill other key poll promises, Hazare said that China water jet loom several letters written by him earlier on these subjects to the Prime Minister had been ignored.Hazare also recalled that when he undertook the fast at Ramlila ground in Delhi it was not only the then Congress government but also BJP leaders Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley had given an assurance in Parliament that the anti-corruption legislation will be passed. This letter may also meet the same fate," Hazare said. Senior RSS leader Seshadri visited my village Ralegan Siddhi and wrote a book 'Karmayogi Ka Gaon," Hazare said giving vent to his anguish on he being ignored by Modi. Nobody could get work done in any office earlier without paying bribe. May be you have forgotten the things which you promised," Hazare said. When (Atal Bihari) Vajpayee came to Pune he used to enquire (about me). However, there should be reply to the letter by a social activist who has dedicated his life to the nation," Hazare said."I am writing again to remind you of these things."I don't expect a PM to respond to each and every letter written to him as it is not possible.
In his latest letter, Hazare said the Modi government should implement the Lokpal and Lokayukta laws properly to curb corruption and also take steps to ensure that farmers got remunerative prices for their produce. Mumbai: Social activist Anna Hazare dashed off another letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, reminding him of his unfulfilled poll promises and said there is "no visible difference" between his government and the previous Congress- led UPA regimeWishing Modi for the New Year, the 78-year-old anti-graft crusader in his three-page letter took a swipe at the prime minister, saying he may have forgotten the things which he promised during the 2014 Lok Sabha campaign like bringing back black money and building a corruption-free India. You don't speak of implementation of the Lokpal and Lokayukta laws passed for curbing corruption. The letter was released to the press today.
Posté le 17/11/2021 à 03:00 par rapielooms
Catégorie weft accumulator
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If this continues, the organisation will be in trouble."Questioning the veracity of the threat letter seized by police, senior Congress leader P Chidambaram said weft feeder manufacturers it is "unverified", and noted that it was governments duty to provide foolproof protection and security to the prime minister.So let the Government take whatever measures it has to take to provide complete foolproof protection and security of the prime minister. In order to gain sympathy, the BJP is now playing the threat letter card.
And thus, Modi should be eliminated.The police, after arresting five people with alleged Maoist links last week, had said that a letter was seized from the house of one of them in which there was a suggestion about assassinating PM Modi in "Rajiv Gandhi-type incident".Mumbai: The Maharashtra governments claim about a Maoist plot to assassinate Prime Minister Narendra Modi was on Tuesday questioned by the BJPs ally Shiv Sena, saying that the claim "does not seem to be legitimate"."People are still not sensitive," the BJP leader said at a news conference in Delhi."The Shiv Sena said PM Modis security is as strong as Mossad (Israels intelligence agency) and it is virtually impossible for anybody to penetrate it.
Quoting contents of the purported Maoist letter, the editorial said, "Modi has succeeded in forming governments in 15 states."It said the issue is being milked for political purpose, adding, "this conspiracy does not seem to be legitimate, is what being said by the experts.Read: BJP trying to garner sympathy: Sharad Pawar on PM Modi assassination plotThe comments came against the backdrop of a claim by Maharashtra police that Maoists were plotting assassination of the prime minister and Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis.Earlier, Pawar raised doubts over the veracity of the threat letter."The BJP has realised that they are losing the popular support..Read: Rajnath Singh reviews PMs security after assassination plot unearthedNCP chief Sharad Pawar alleged the BJP was playing the "threat letter card" to gain sympathy."I have spoken to a senior retired police officer who told me that when such letters come they do not go to media but to the security agencies which make sure that adequate security measures are taken," the former chief minister said."It is the business of the government to offer and provide complete protection to the Prime Minister of India.
"I do not think you should take all these unverified letters as though they are official documents.Javadekar said instead of questioning those who wrote the letter opposition parties were questioning as to how it came to the fore. In a tweet in Marathi, Fadnavis said that "Pawar ji should play politics of the nation and not politics of hatred. We are all interested in the security of the PM of India," the former union home minister told reporters in Delhi.Read: Maoists planning to kill PM Modi in Rajiv Gandhi type incident: Pune cops"The plot to assassinate them (PM Modi and Fadnavis) seems mysterious and the story of a horror film," said an editorial in Shiv Sena mouthpiece Saamna. However, I am sure that the people will not fall prey to such tactics," he said at a function in Pune on Monday.Union minister Prakash Javadekar said everybody should have condemned such an attempt, more so as India has lost two prime ministers to violence.
As a high-level meeting presided by Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh decided to strengthen the security of PM Modi, the BJP slammed opposition parties for claiming that the plot could be a publicity ploy and said it was the "lowest point of insensitivity and politics".Fadnavis hit out at Pawar, saying he was not expected to "stoop to this level".Home Minister Rajnath Singh held the high-level meeting in which National Security Advisor Ajit Doval, Union Home Secretary Rajiv Gauba and Director Intelligence Bureau Rajiv Jain were present to review the security in the wake of inputs about threat to PM Modis life. Such letters will float about," Chidambaram told reporters when asked about the threat letter.."This is the lowest point of insensitivity and politics". All this was revealed by the police, which seems laughable.
And thus, Modi should be eliminated.The police, after arresting five people with alleged Maoist links last week, had said that a letter was seized from the house of one of them in which there was a suggestion about assassinating PM Modi in "Rajiv Gandhi-type incident".Mumbai: The Maharashtra governments claim about a Maoist plot to assassinate Prime Minister Narendra Modi was on Tuesday questioned by the BJPs ally Shiv Sena, saying that the claim "does not seem to be legitimate"."People are still not sensitive," the BJP leader said at a news conference in Delhi."The Shiv Sena said PM Modis security is as strong as Mossad (Israels intelligence agency) and it is virtually impossible for anybody to penetrate it.
Quoting contents of the purported Maoist letter, the editorial said, "Modi has succeeded in forming governments in 15 states."It said the issue is being milked for political purpose, adding, "this conspiracy does not seem to be legitimate, is what being said by the experts.Read: BJP trying to garner sympathy: Sharad Pawar on PM Modi assassination plotThe comments came against the backdrop of a claim by Maharashtra police that Maoists were plotting assassination of the prime minister and Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis.Earlier, Pawar raised doubts over the veracity of the threat letter."The BJP has realised that they are losing the popular support..Read: Rajnath Singh reviews PMs security after assassination plot unearthedNCP chief Sharad Pawar alleged the BJP was playing the "threat letter card" to gain sympathy."I have spoken to a senior retired police officer who told me that when such letters come they do not go to media but to the security agencies which make sure that adequate security measures are taken," the former chief minister said."It is the business of the government to offer and provide complete protection to the Prime Minister of India.
"I do not think you should take all these unverified letters as though they are official documents.Javadekar said instead of questioning those who wrote the letter opposition parties were questioning as to how it came to the fore. In a tweet in Marathi, Fadnavis said that "Pawar ji should play politics of the nation and not politics of hatred. We are all interested in the security of the PM of India," the former union home minister told reporters in Delhi.Read: Maoists planning to kill PM Modi in Rajiv Gandhi type incident: Pune cops"The plot to assassinate them (PM Modi and Fadnavis) seems mysterious and the story of a horror film," said an editorial in Shiv Sena mouthpiece Saamna. However, I am sure that the people will not fall prey to such tactics," he said at a function in Pune on Monday.Union minister Prakash Javadekar said everybody should have condemned such an attempt, more so as India has lost two prime ministers to violence.
As a high-level meeting presided by Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh decided to strengthen the security of PM Modi, the BJP slammed opposition parties for claiming that the plot could be a publicity ploy and said it was the "lowest point of insensitivity and politics".Fadnavis hit out at Pawar, saying he was not expected to "stoop to this level".Home Minister Rajnath Singh held the high-level meeting in which National Security Advisor Ajit Doval, Union Home Secretary Rajiv Gauba and Director Intelligence Bureau Rajiv Jain were present to review the security in the wake of inputs about threat to PM Modis life. Such letters will float about," Chidambaram told reporters when asked about the threat letter.."This is the lowest point of insensitivity and politics". All this was revealed by the police, which seems laughable.
Posté le 02/09/2021 à 03:33 par rapielooms
Catégorie weft accumulator
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Mufti does not even command the loyalty of her police force, much less the loyalty of the people”.The NC also said that statements from various top functionaries of the ruling coalition particularly the PDP have not only added to the confusion but have significantly weakened the institution and office of the Chief Minister. Meanwhile, Srinagar with some other towns of the Valley witnessed massive protests by curfew-defying crowds and pro-azadi slogans and rebellious songs reverberating from the mosques’ loudspeakers at nightfall on Wednesday. It also said, “Until such time a credible, effective and humane leadership is re-established in the State this all party meeting will prove to be a meaningless exercise.N.As many as 45 people have been killed and over 2,200 injured in security forces’ firings over the last 2 weeks. In the meanwhile, it has already submitted a detailed memorandum to the Governor wherein steps to ease the tension have been mentioned”. Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir’s main opposition National Conference (NC) party has announced that it will stay away from an all-parties meeting Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti, has convened in Srinagar on Thursday to discuss the volatile situation the Valley has been pushed to by the killing of a popular militant commander. The NC also spoke about “total mishandling of the press (gag) issue “by first enforcing a ban and raiding offices of newspapers, seizing plates and newspapers, the action which was justified by the senior minister and spokesperson of the government (Naeem Akhter) and contradicted more than 72 hours later by the Advisor to the Chief Minister (Amitabh Mattoo) leads us to conclude that there is no effective leadership in the State government at present”. The Chief Minister has invited the leaders of all mainstream parties including ruling PDP-BJP combine and opposition National Conference, Congress, CPI(M), CPI, National Panthers Party, Democratic Party Nationalist and Peoples Democratic Front besides some others “to discuss the prevailing situation and the measures to be taken to restore peace and normalcy in the Valley” to all all-parties meet being held at Sher-i-Kashmir International Convention Centre (SKICC) on the banks of Srinagar’s Dal Lake on Thursday.While concluding, Mr.
Similarly the assertion by one of the PDP MPs (Muzaffar Hussain Baig) crediting the Prime Minister with reducing excessive use of force further weakened the image of the Chief Minister who is seen as a mute spectator, immune to the bloodshed and the suffering,” the letter said.Even as curfews and other security restrictions have continues Iro weft feeder and the separatists have, at the same time, extended their shutdown call till Monday, the State government has in a controversial decision announced reopening of schools in the Valley’s Ganderbal, Bandipore, Budgam and Baramulla districts after modifying an earlier order under which the summer vacations in the schools and colleges had been extended to July 25 in view of the prevailing law and order situation. Abdullah to contribute towards the very early restoration of peace and normalcy in the Valley. “Confusion about how much the Chief Minister knew regarding the Burhan (Wani) encounter is one such example. This leads one to conclude that Ms.”The NC general secretary and former minister, Ali Muhammad Sagar, has in a letter written to Abdur Rehman Veeri, minister for Public Works and Parliamentary Affairs, who had on behalf of the Chief Minister extended invitations for the meet on the phone said, “I regret that JK NC is unable to participate under the circumstances.
At places, the police and CRPF were engaged by irate crowds of youth in ding-dong stone-pelting pitched battles along the streets and the former fired dozens of teargas canisters to push them in back alleys. It would have been better if the Chief Minister had responded to our party leadership’s offer of support earlier instead of waiting for the suffering and misery of the people to reach this level,” it said.But the NC has declined the invitation and said that it will not be possible for it to attend the meet in present circumstances wherein the government is grappling in the dark.
He is scheduled to hold an one-on-one meeting with the Chief Minister and will separately meet his party ministers and other leaders to know their views on the prevailing situation, the sources in the BJP said.As many as 45 people have been killed and over 2,200 injured in security forces’ firings and other actions as part of their tough campaign to contain the unrest triggered by the killing of militant commander Burhan Muzaffar Wani by security forces on July 8.Earlier during the day, three persons were injured when allegedly thrashed by the soldiers from Army’s 55 Rashtriya Rifles at Batnoor Lassipora in southern Pulwama district. Sagar asserted that his party “has always played a positive role in maintaining peace and harmony in the state and we will continue to do so regardless”. The residents also obeyed the ‘blackout’ call issued by an alliance of separatist parties by switching off lights.In a related development, BJP national general secretary, Ram Madhav, arrived here on Wednesday for an on-the-spot assessment of the situation.. He discussed with the Governor particularly “issues relating to internal security management, role of the media and other matters,” a Raj Bhavan spokesman said adding that the Governor urged Mr. It said that stone-pelting incidents were reported also from Sopore in Baramulla, Koundbal and Alesting in Ganderbal, Sangam in Anantnag, Kaloosa in Bandipora and Reck Chowk (Batamallo) and Karan Nagar areas in Srinagar districts. The scene was reminiscent of early 1990 when people would seize evenings to vent their political feelings and frustration through similar outbursts.
The letter added, “To make matters worse the same MP has repeatedly asserted the Burhan Wani was unlawfully killed by sections of JK Police to discredit the Chief Minister. They were part of a group of protesters which had blocked the road in the area, the police said. Vohra, at the Raj Bhavan here to convey his own and his party’s concerns over the prevailing situation in the Valley.Earlier during the day on Wednesday, former Chief Minister and NC working president Omar Abdullah met Governor, N.The letter says that it was extremely unfortunate that although the Chief Minister saw it fit to call a meeting of civil society in Srinagar within days of protests breaking out, it has taken her almost two weeks to call a meeting of all political parties. “In the meantime the number of dead and injured has continued to rise.
Similarly the assertion by one of the PDP MPs (Muzaffar Hussain Baig) crediting the Prime Minister with reducing excessive use of force further weakened the image of the Chief Minister who is seen as a mute spectator, immune to the bloodshed and the suffering,” the letter said.Even as curfews and other security restrictions have continues Iro weft feeder and the separatists have, at the same time, extended their shutdown call till Monday, the State government has in a controversial decision announced reopening of schools in the Valley’s Ganderbal, Bandipore, Budgam and Baramulla districts after modifying an earlier order under which the summer vacations in the schools and colleges had been extended to July 25 in view of the prevailing law and order situation. Abdullah to contribute towards the very early restoration of peace and normalcy in the Valley. “Confusion about how much the Chief Minister knew regarding the Burhan (Wani) encounter is one such example. This leads one to conclude that Ms.”The NC general secretary and former minister, Ali Muhammad Sagar, has in a letter written to Abdur Rehman Veeri, minister for Public Works and Parliamentary Affairs, who had on behalf of the Chief Minister extended invitations for the meet on the phone said, “I regret that JK NC is unable to participate under the circumstances.
At places, the police and CRPF were engaged by irate crowds of youth in ding-dong stone-pelting pitched battles along the streets and the former fired dozens of teargas canisters to push them in back alleys. It would have been better if the Chief Minister had responded to our party leadership’s offer of support earlier instead of waiting for the suffering and misery of the people to reach this level,” it said.But the NC has declined the invitation and said that it will not be possible for it to attend the meet in present circumstances wherein the government is grappling in the dark.
He is scheduled to hold an one-on-one meeting with the Chief Minister and will separately meet his party ministers and other leaders to know their views on the prevailing situation, the sources in the BJP said.As many as 45 people have been killed and over 2,200 injured in security forces’ firings and other actions as part of their tough campaign to contain the unrest triggered by the killing of militant commander Burhan Muzaffar Wani by security forces on July 8.Earlier during the day, three persons were injured when allegedly thrashed by the soldiers from Army’s 55 Rashtriya Rifles at Batnoor Lassipora in southern Pulwama district. Sagar asserted that his party “has always played a positive role in maintaining peace and harmony in the state and we will continue to do so regardless”. The residents also obeyed the ‘blackout’ call issued by an alliance of separatist parties by switching off lights.In a related development, BJP national general secretary, Ram Madhav, arrived here on Wednesday for an on-the-spot assessment of the situation.. He discussed with the Governor particularly “issues relating to internal security management, role of the media and other matters,” a Raj Bhavan spokesman said adding that the Governor urged Mr. It said that stone-pelting incidents were reported also from Sopore in Baramulla, Koundbal and Alesting in Ganderbal, Sangam in Anantnag, Kaloosa in Bandipora and Reck Chowk (Batamallo) and Karan Nagar areas in Srinagar districts. The scene was reminiscent of early 1990 when people would seize evenings to vent their political feelings and frustration through similar outbursts.
The letter added, “To make matters worse the same MP has repeatedly asserted the Burhan Wani was unlawfully killed by sections of JK Police to discredit the Chief Minister. They were part of a group of protesters which had blocked the road in the area, the police said. Vohra, at the Raj Bhavan here to convey his own and his party’s concerns over the prevailing situation in the Valley.Earlier during the day on Wednesday, former Chief Minister and NC working president Omar Abdullah met Governor, N.The letter says that it was extremely unfortunate that although the Chief Minister saw it fit to call a meeting of civil society in Srinagar within days of protests breaking out, it has taken her almost two weeks to call a meeting of all political parties. “In the meantime the number of dead and injured has continued to rise.
Posté le 05/08/2021 à 03:52 par rapielooms
Catégorie weft accumulator
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The city government has started a mammoth exercise to locate such officers following directions from Union Cabinet Secretary Pradeep K. Sinha that states must initiate proceedings for deemed resignation from those officers who do not return from foreign assignments within one month of completion of their approved tenure and also forward a proposal to this effect to their cadre-controlling authority.e.
“The Cabinet Secretary has once again impressed upon the cadre-controlling authorities to ensure that extant provisions in this matter are strictly followed and that the officers are made aware of the implications of overstay before they are relieved for taking up their foreign assignments.
The AAP government has started looking for bureaucrats who are overstaying beyond their approved tenures while on deputation for foreign assignments.”Earlier, an exercise by the cadre-controlling authorities had reportedly suggested that as many as 19 IAS officers and two of the IPS belonging to various state cadres had been missing for ages and shockingly neither Centre nor the states had any clue about their whereabouts. department of personnel and training (DoPT) for IAS; MHA for IPS and MoEF CC for IFS officers for further taking further action on the issue,” the letter added.Following the Cabinet Secretary’s directive, city deputy secretary (services) Mukesh Kumar Sharma has written to all the IAS officers of AGMUT cadre, stating that in the event of any officer overstaying for any reason, whatsoever, he or she is liable to disciplinary action and other adverse civil service consequences that would include the period of unauthorised overstay not being counted for service for the purpose of pension and that any increment due during the period of unauthorised overstay being deferred with cumulative effect till the date on which the officer rejoins the parent cadre.
Sharma, the Cabinet Secretary said that a number of instances have to come to notice where officers have been overstaying beyond their approved tenures while on deputation abroad. Most of these civil servants went abroad on study leave or some official assignments and never returned. 11019/ 95/2015-AIS-III dated 03/1/2015 state governments shall initiate proceedings for deemed resignation if the member of service does not return from foreign assignment within one month after completion of the approved tenure and forward a proposal to the concerned cadre-controlling authority i.K.In a letter to Delhi chief secretary K.
“This trend needs to be discouraged by ensuring strict action against weft feeder parts errant officers as per extant policy,” Mr Sinha wrote in the letter. The cadre-controlling authorities are further advised to make sure that the officers do not continue their foreign assignment beyond the approved tenure and that they report back to their cadre immediately after completion of approved tenure.“It may also be noted under Rule 7 (2) of the All-India Services (Leave) Rules 1955 and instructions issued vide letter No.
“The Cabinet Secretary has once again impressed upon the cadre-controlling authorities to ensure that extant provisions in this matter are strictly followed and that the officers are made aware of the implications of overstay before they are relieved for taking up their foreign assignments.
The AAP government has started looking for bureaucrats who are overstaying beyond their approved tenures while on deputation for foreign assignments.”Earlier, an exercise by the cadre-controlling authorities had reportedly suggested that as many as 19 IAS officers and two of the IPS belonging to various state cadres had been missing for ages and shockingly neither Centre nor the states had any clue about their whereabouts. department of personnel and training (DoPT) for IAS; MHA for IPS and MoEF CC for IFS officers for further taking further action on the issue,” the letter added.Following the Cabinet Secretary’s directive, city deputy secretary (services) Mukesh Kumar Sharma has written to all the IAS officers of AGMUT cadre, stating that in the event of any officer overstaying for any reason, whatsoever, he or she is liable to disciplinary action and other adverse civil service consequences that would include the period of unauthorised overstay not being counted for service for the purpose of pension and that any increment due during the period of unauthorised overstay being deferred with cumulative effect till the date on which the officer rejoins the parent cadre.
Sharma, the Cabinet Secretary said that a number of instances have to come to notice where officers have been overstaying beyond their approved tenures while on deputation abroad. Most of these civil servants went abroad on study leave or some official assignments and never returned. 11019/ 95/2015-AIS-III dated 03/1/2015 state governments shall initiate proceedings for deemed resignation if the member of service does not return from foreign assignment within one month after completion of the approved tenure and forward a proposal to the concerned cadre-controlling authority i.K.In a letter to Delhi chief secretary K.
“This trend needs to be discouraged by ensuring strict action against weft feeder parts errant officers as per extant policy,” Mr Sinha wrote in the letter. The cadre-controlling authorities are further advised to make sure that the officers do not continue their foreign assignment beyond the approved tenure and that they report back to their cadre immediately after completion of approved tenure.“It may also be noted under Rule 7 (2) of the All-India Services (Leave) Rules 1955 and instructions issued vide letter No.
Posté le 22/07/2021 à 05:12 par rapielooms
Catégorie weft accumulator
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